Gestational Surrogate
Compensation and Benefits
It is important to understand that all compensation and benefits are subject to legal advice by the parties’ respective legal counsels at the contract stage, regarding permissible amounts under applicable gestational surrogacy law. Therefore, the below amounts are intended to be utilized as a guide only and are subject to change. The parties’ contract is the final authority on all compensation and benefits.
The information, facts, and opinions provided by Heart of Surrogacy, LLC are no substitute for medical, legal, or mental health advice. Always consult a medical professional for any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult an attorney for any legal advice or services regarding your unique situation. The information shared by Heart of Surrogacy, LLC is offered for educational purposes only and may not be relied upon for your personal medical or legal situation.

Surrogate Benefits



Gestational Surrogate
Referral Program
Gestational Surrogate Benefits:
Base Compensation ($40,000+)
This amount generally ranges up to $40,000+, depending on numerous factors, including whether the Gestational Surrogate is a first-time surrogate or experienced surrogate. This compensation is paid to the carrier, via the escrow account, in installments over the course of the pregnancy beginning with the confirmation of pregnancy (confirmation of heartbeat at approximately six (6) weeks of pregnancy, via ultrasound).
Monthly Allowance ($200.00/month)
This is a non-accountable monthly expense allowance to cover expenses. This monthly allowance is paid in lieu of itemized costs and includes reimbursements for mileage under One Hundred (100) miles roundtrip, telephone calls, postage, faxes, non-prescription vitamins/supplements, childcare services, and other incidental expenses. This fee shall begin the 1st of the month after the contract has been executed between the Gestational Surrogate and the Intended Parents and continue until either termination of the contract by either party or 1 month after delivery.
Additional Travel Expenses
Varies. Airfare, rental cars, and lodging may be paid when a Gestational Surrogate is required to travel more than One Hundred (100) miles for medical screening or embryo transfers. Intended Parents shall reimburse Gestational Surrogate for Travel Expenses only in connection with the following: (i) the screening process (including Husband/Partner); (ii) the matching process (including Husband/Partner); (iii) the embryo transfer procedure; (iv) delivery/birth; (v) legal proceedings Intended Parents have requested Gestational Surrogate and Husband to attend; and (vi) trips exceeding One Hundred (100) miles (roundtrip) required by the IVF Physician or the Obstetrician or requested by Intended Parents.
Maternity Clothing Allowance ($750 singleton; $1,000 multiples)
This fee is paid at twelve (12) weeks and is paid directly to the Gestational Surrogate through the escrow account.
Start of Medications Fee ($500.00-750.00)
Upon starting injectable medications, typically Lupron.
Mock Cycle Fee ($500.00)
Some Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE) will require a mock cycle to stimulate a cycle to test for the thickening of uterine lining.
Dropped/Cancelled Cycle ($500.00)
Ordered by the IVF doctor or if Intended Parents cancel cycle.
Embryo Transfer Fee ($750.00)
This fee is paid to compensate the carrier for discomfort and risk associated with the procedure, along with childcare and missed work, if allowable under State law.
Invasive Procedure Fee ($500.00-800.00 per procedure)
D&C, Abortion/Termination (as applicable)
Cerclage (as applicable)
Amniocentesis or CVS (as applicable)
Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy (as applicable)
Fetal Reduction ($1,500.00)
If the Gestational Surrogate is required to undergo fetal reduction.
C-Section Fee ($1,500.00-2,500.00)
If the Gestational Surrogate is required to deliver via c-section, as required by the OB.
Multiples ($5,000.00 per additional child)
This is paid in accordance with the contract.
Hysterectomy ($3,000.00)
The Gestational Surrogate will be entitled to receive $3,000 if she must undergo a hysterectomy, resulting in the loss of her uterus, as a result of the delivery of the Child, as long as such procedure(s) are performed within 3 months of the delivery.
Tube Removal ($2,000.00 per tube)
If one or both tubes are removed. This is additional to ectopic (tubal) surgery compensation (listed above).
Learn More
If you believe that you meet the qualifications listed HERE and you would like to learn more, click the Surrogate Interest Form button.